There have been predictions for years about the ways artificial intelligence will impact business and everyday life. Perhaps the biggest single focus has been on what jobs will be lost and which ones could be created. There is common agreement that routine and repetitive jobs will be the most vulnerable due to the relative ease of automation, whereas jobs that require creativity, critical thinking, and human interaction are less likely to be impacted.
Nakul Garg

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There have been predictions for years about the ways artificial intelligence will impact business and everyday life. Perhaps the biggest single focus has been on what jobs will be lost and which ones could be created. There is common agreement that routine and repetitive jobs will be the most vulnerable due to the relative ease of automation, whereas jobs that require creativity, critical thinking, and human interaction are less likely to be impacted.
Nakul Garg
Gamification is revolutionising marketing & edtech. Could it help improve crowdfunding as well? Gamification is a simple process with a lot of potential benefits. However, if it is not utilised well, there can be drawbacks to it too.
Nakul Garg